Does your strategy create clarity?
Strategic thinking
Does the strategy reflect real choices that clarify what to do - and what not to do? Does it shape the future and describe an explicit theory of advantage? Does it rely on capabilities competitors can't easily match?
Operational credibility​
Can team members explain the strategy? Do they understand how their work contributes? Does the strategy guide everyday decision-making? Does it build on capabilities the organisation actually possesses? Does it produce results?
Strategy process
Is the review and development process lean and pragmatic? Is there room for creativity? Can the organisation contribute its best thinking? Does the decision-making process create commitment?
Quality of strategic thinking and operational credibility
are reflected in the answers to five key questions

Source: Adapted from "Playing to Win", Roger L. Martin et al.
Effective process creates possibilities, defines conditions, frames next-level choices and maps initiatives

Source: Adapted from "Playing to Win", Roger L. Martin et al.